

刘卫,高级工程师,2014毕业于湖南大学,获得分析化学博士学位。2014-2018年在安徽芯核防务装备技术股份有限公司等公司历任工程师/高级工程师,2019年在清华大学合肥公共安全研究院从事博士后研究,2023年入职皇冠博彩。 安徽省第“十三批”115团队成员;安徽省应急管理厅火灾防治专家组成员(2020-2025);合肥市火灾调查库专家成员(2020-2022);安徽建筑大学校外兼职导师;中国化学学会、中国消防学会会员。主持或参与国家及省级项目8项。授权专利20余项,其中第一发明人专利15项(发明专利5项,实用新型专利10项)。共发表SCI论文20余篇。参编应急管理部消防救援局《皇冠博彩》;《亚洲博彩公司平台》。参与2019年安徽省城市安全风险评估,2020年安徽省应急厅自然(洪水)灾害调查等。


  • 锂离子电池安全原因分析

  • 复合碳材料的电化学性能研究


  1. Liu, W., Li M., Zhang P., Jiang H., Liu W., Guan J., Sun Y., Liu X., Zeng Q., One-step growth of Cu-doped carbon dots in amino-modified carbon nanotube-modified electrodes for sensitive electrochemical detection of BPA. Microchimical Acta, 2024, 191:309.

  2. Liu, W., Kong, M., Zhao, F., Yin, S. & Sun, Y. Study on the Corrosion of Iron by Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Extinguishing Agent – Perfluorinated Hexanone. Combustion Science and Technology, 2023, 39:1-15.

  3. Liu, W., Zhao, F., Yin S., Ma T., Qing J. Analysis of solid combustion products to establish a theoretical model of the causes of thermal runaway of ternary lithium-ion battery overcharge and heating. Journal of Fire Sciences. 2023, 41,1-15.

  4. Liu, W., Zhao, F., Kong, M., Yin S., Wang H., Liu X., Reaction Mechanism of Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Extinguishing Agent-Perfluorinated Hexanone Oxidizes Metal-Al. Fire Technology. 2022, 58, 2811–2823.

  5. Kong, B., Yang, X., Dai, H., Wu, Y., Lu, H. B., & Liu, W.*, et al. Sensitive electrochemical determination of baicalein based on d-ti3c2tx mxene/fullerene composite modified glassy carbon electrode. Electroanalysis, 2022, 34, 1564-1571.

  6. Liu W., Yang X., Li M., Gui Q., Jiang H., Li Y., Shen Q., Xia J., Liu X., Sensitive detection of luteolin in peanut shell based on titanium carbide/carbon nanotube composite modified screen-printed electrode. Microchemical Journal. 2022, 175, 107135.

  7. Wei Liu, Fusheng Zhao, Shu Liu, Wenzhong Mi. Chemical Analysis of the Cause of Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Iron Phosphate Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 060507.


  1.  刘卫,赵富胜,刘澍,米文忠,殷松峰,刘成,一种基于峰体映射的双重叠谱峰解析方法,2024,ZL 202110835954.4

  2. 刘卫,赵富胜,刘澍,尹松峰等,一种以二氧化碳峰面积为参比的红外光谱定量分析方法,2023,ZL202010356263.1

  3. 刘卫,姚冰,李东风,一种道路环境综合监测车,2019,ZL201610623773.4

  4. 刘卫,王中昆,葛磊,姚冰,李东风,一种基于面积法的拉曼光谱即时定量分析方法,2018,ZL201610092160.2

  5. 刘卫,王中昆,葛磊,李东风,姚冰,鲍复鱼,一种样品瓶固定干扰噪声的拉曼光谱去除方法,2018,ZL201511033149.0